Our journey is your journey

Mother Earth to you-

Appalachian Aromatics & Apothecary is a different type of AAA. We are an Appalachian based personal care company dedicated to improving lives, one Mother given herb at a time.

The Apothecary-

There are a multitude of items always brewing in the cauldron. All are available for purchase online. Some are made to order, others are available immediately.


Infused oil with local herbs for a 4 week minimum for any minor bump, bruise, or topical ailment

Aromatherapy Roll-Ons

Made with infused sweet almond oil, infused for a 4 week minimum, for headaches, bite & sting relief, & more!

Our story

The idea of Appalachian Aromatics & Apothecary started in 2020 after living a cleaner lifestyle resulted in one of life’s greatest blessings. The manifestation unfolded in 2023 after much research, testing, deliberation, and fear. We now sell online and in-person for those who are local.

“Our journey is your journey” means we have been there and understand how difficult it is to begin a life change. Let us help guide your hand; specifically with that which the Appalachians and Mother Earth provide for us without asking. Quality ingredients, sustainable herbs, and lasting results.

Our goal & ingredients

It is our goal to both boost the local economy by sourcing as much as possible from local farmers, herbalists, and beekeepers, and to bring exposure to the innate flora provided to us by the Appalachian mountains. We are meant to live with the land and the seasons- so let’s do that.

We believe Mother Earth knows what we need when we need it.

Behind the Cauldron —

Stay up to date with our wellness tips, tricks, & knowledge through our blog as well as behind the scenes on what’s happening in the apothecary.